If you fail to contact your credit provider, after they have sent you a letter of demand or summons, they will obtain a court order and get a default judgment against your name. In which case, we will not be able to include the debt you defaulted on in your restructured repayment plan, as part of your debt review.
However, even if you have been served with a summons or have a judgment against your name, NDA may still be able to help you. So, will I qualify if I have been summoned to court or have judgments against me? We will only be able to tell if we have a debt solution to offer you, after assessing your personal circumstances. Therefore, we encourage you to still get in touch.
Remember, debt review includes several debts with different credit providers. So, even if we cannot include a certain debt in your restructured repayment plan, we may still include others. In which case, we can get your instalments and interest rates reduced for these debts.
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